FET prize-giving-ceremony for 2022

FET prize-giving-ceremony for 2022

Good better best we won’t rest it till the good is better and the better best🏆.

Our FET students strive their best to obtain excellent results,

Since everyone learner comes from a different background, they each portray whatever they have, and the teachers try their best to help in every possible way. With our 95% pass rate from our former matriculants, it is a goal of the grade 12 students to reach a 100% pass rate. Not is this only aspired by the learners it’s also a goal for the school at large.

Our present pupils have done exceptionally well. The aim of our prize giving ceremony is to encourage every learn to perform to them at best and not just to commemorate only the learners who did well.

Appreciation of good results is like paving a way to flood gates of success ☺️

A level 7 to a Holy Rosary Independent Combined School pupil is a norm. We encourage our learners to develop a mindset to do their utmost best to banish darkness from their minds. Our flag flies high with pride because we ensure that no child is left behind. The school must unpack the potential each child brings to the table …




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